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Has Your Pantry Been Invaded?
Pantry Bugs: What Are They?
If you’ve ever found pesky little insects in your pantry (particularly grains), you may have tried to identify them before. Here’s some tips on identifying pantry bugs to better equip you on how to fight off these insects or keep them away altogether.
The three most common pantry bugs are the confused flour beetle, the red flour beetle, and the grain weevil. Pantry bugs may be found nesting in:
Corn meal
Confused Flour Beetle is a dark brown almost black color. They are six-legged, have long narrow bodies and can be between 3 mm and 6 mm long.
Red Flour Beetles are brownish-red in color, are 3mm to 6 mm long and also able to fly short distances. Females are known to deposit eggs on dry food products such as flour, cereal, rice, or dry pet food.
Grain Weevils are brown in color, have eight legs, and long narrow bodies. Grain weevils cannot fly, however like the flour beetles, larvae often nest in grain kernels, wheat, oats, barley, rice, or corn.
Good News:
If you are trying to rid your kitchen of pantry bugs, the good thing to know is that they are all similar enough in that they can be treated. You can protect yourself from pantry bugs in the same way, no matter what kind they are.
Easy ways to prevent pantry bugs:
Buy grain in small quantities
Freeze grains for one week to kill any eggs
Store grains in tightly sealed containers
Put 1-2 bay leaves in your containers
Insect repellent (you can try homemade or store bought options)
Now good luck and stay safe out there, kids.
Protect Your Home from Common Pests
We all want our houses to be a clean, relaxing, and safe haven to call ‘home’. Keeping a house full of humans clean can be hard enough as it is…keeping unwanted pests from calling your house ‘home’ as well, can be even harder.
Here are four ways to help keep your home clean and pest-free.
Thorough Cleaning
Keep places like the sink clean and free of dirty dishes sitting for long periods of time.
Regularly clean out the refrigerator and pantry.
Clean up spilled food and drink immediately.
Be sure to check less common parts of your home such as the roof and basement periodically. These overlooked areas can be a breeding ground for common household pests.
Cluttered cupboards or storage spaces allow for crevices and corners where pests can hide. Be sure to keep enclosed areas like closets, cupboards, drawers free of clutter.
Be sure to toss out any foods or perishables that are expired.
Tight Seal
Seal any cracks or holes that can allow for any outside entry. It may not seem like much but checking under the doors or in the corners of windows can be an often overlooked entryway for pests to enter.
Be sure that your consumable items are sealed tight, this can prevent the attraction of pests looking for food or shelter.
Minimize moisture
Keep an eye out for any leaks, dripping faucets, pooling drains, or any area of your home that is allowing excessive moisture. Taking care of this can help stop pests from gathering and breeding.
No matter how hard it is to keep your home clean, there is always a chance that unwanted pests can still find a way to take residence in your home. If they do, however, be sure to act quickly. Don’t wait to get help!
Contact PESTX Today for a free quote for affordable Bakersfield Pest Control service!
Summer Is Coming
Make PestX part of your team for a flea-free home
In the Summer months, we all look forward to the gorgeous weather and some sunshine to clear our cobwebs and lift our spirits. But it isn’t just us humans that love it so much. Our PestX pest control team here in Bakersfield don’t get too much time off in the summer months as we’re kept very busy by super happy fleas.
They are in their element! The warm weather has them multiplying faster than gremlins in a shower – helped enormously by the fact that we all have our doors and windows wide open and our pets coming in and out all day unintentionally bringing in stashed stowaways in their furry midst.
The first signs of having these annoying pests is usually their irritating bites, which given their tendency to carry disease and bacteria, they don’t stay un-noticed for long. The problems fleas bring into the house make them one of the most dreaded home visitors we see here in Bakersfield.
PestX are often called to deal with flea infestations but with fleas it’s rarely a matter of just fumigating the house. Pets are often one of the main culprits. When you consider that a flea goes from being laid through to adult in less than 50 days, and that a female can lay up to 50 eggs a day – if the first part of that stage has gone under the radar you could have quite a significant pest problem very quickly.
So PestX can definitely help to de-flea your home or premises but we will always advise to deal with all of the factors at the same time. If you do have pets in your house you will need to bear in mind that they will need treating too as they are very likely to be the source of the problem. You will need to treat your pet thoroughly as well as all of their bedding and we’d suggest you time this well with the PestX team coming in.
You can use specially formulated shampoos to remove both eggs and live fleas as well as use spot treatments to prevent the fleas returning over the next month or so. Flea collars are also effective in deterring fleas in the first place. We apologise if all of this seems obvious, but we will always ensure that any PestX pest control treatments tackle not only the current pests but that we minimise the risk of the pests returning.
Our reputation has been built up over years of thorough treatments so with flea control, there’s an element of teamwork here. You only need a slightly warm temperature and a lovely home for a couple of fleas, besides their delicious hosts to feed on and you’re back to square one again.
So PestX will be mainly treating your premises to fumigate them but your pets and yard definitely need to be factored in too. Patios, decking, foundations and porches are all havens for fleas to breed in the warmer weather. If you use a home based remedy, all you need is a rainstorm and all of that work has been washed away so bear this in mind too when considering your overall approach.
A well maintained garden is less of a flea risk too as they love dead plants and debris so removing these regularly will reduce the breeding grounds available to them.
If you need any advice or need a flea infestation addressing, call our team and we’ll happily get started on keeping your home flea free.
January Pest Control Tips…
It’s the cold season, did you know this is a great time to treat your home with our affordable and quality Bakersfield pest control services, this will prepare you for the summer months went pests are at their worst! Treating your home and business now is like a preemptive strike that will stop pests in their tracks and make it that much easier in the coming summer months to exterminate them quickly. This is also a great time to check your home for termites, don’t leave anything to chance, protect your investment and the health of your family today!
Some Pests To Watch Out For
Here’s a few pests to be on the lookout for, they can wreak havoc on your home and cause damage to your property and to the health of your family!
#1 The dreaded bedbug, #2 The pesky ant, #3 The Busy Bee #4 The terrible termite, #5 The Lovely Ladybug, #6 The Spooky Spider, and last but not least the Stinging Scorpion. If you see any of these crafty critters call PESTX immediately for expert and affordable pest control Bakersfield!

Restaurant Pest Control
Why not have your business treated with our amazing Bakersfield pest control services over the holidays and start your business off on the right foot creating a safe environment for customers, yourself and your employees for 2019.
PestX Bakersfield’s owner and operator Jim Ester has over 25 years of experience in the pest control industry. He is well educated, licensed, and trained in Pest & Termite control.